Easy2roll: child’s play! nod to Babyroll

A friendly moment at NINKASI
Since the launch of Easy2roll in 2018, the rolling assistance software has been enriched with several features and has constantly improved its ergonomics. The time has come to grow the baby, the emblem of our slogan “rolling becomes child’s play” and to review our visual identity.
Our new slogan: “Discover the new face of sheet metal rolling” is illustrated by the face of a young man whose skull contains the representative elements of Picot: our rolling machines, Easy2roll, our 360° universe, examples of parts rolled, our sectors of activity.
Le côté futuriste de cette représentation rappelle l’univers de l‘industrie 4.0, référence à la 4è révolution industrielle (systèmes embarqués et le « tout connecté »).
As you can see, our company strives to remain at the forefront of technology for the greatest satisfaction of our customers and puts the means to offer you effective and impactful communication.

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New 360° course
The “scrolling” of the menu then presents our ranges of machines, control systems, our service offer, customer testimonials and the visit of our 360° universe.
Picot is thus positioned in terms of rolling solutions (customer approach) rather than in terms of product range (product approach).

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