Picot sponsor of Golden Tech’23 in Lyon

Sales Meeting Picot March 23

Discover the new configuration of our range and the new names of our machines.

Following the evolution of the typology of our sales and the launch of the electric rolling machine, we decided to review our communication strategy on our ranges of machines and the names of our models.
The finding:
– Today, more than 70% of our sales are made on rollers with numerical control.
– Hydraulic regulation is an obsolete technology and does not allow further development towards digital control.
– Electric rolling machines will become more and more important in the fine sheet metal market.
– We have a growing demand for rolling training because, with the retirement of many riders, skills are being lost and it has become very difficult to recruit.
That is why :
– we have decided to differentiate between manually operated rolls and digitally controlled rolls
– we have the ambition to create a driving school, the “Picot Academy” to train our customers’ operators and capitalize on the experience and skills of our teams and the users of our machines.
The new range:
– The ACADEMY range: Basic hydraulic rollers with manual controls positioned directly on the machine.
– the COMFORT range: hydraulic rollers with an electronic control panel (comfort) or digital control by learning (comfort +).
– the EASYROLL range: rollers equipped with Easy2roll rolling assistance, whether hydraulic or electric.
Note that all electric rollers will be equipped with Easy2roll as standard.
New model names:
The names of the models are based on 3 characters:
– R, for Rouleuse, Roll bending machines, Rundbiegemaschine.
– a number: 2, 3 or 4 for the number of rolls
– h or e for hydraulic or electric
RCE → R3h (hydraulic) or R3e (electric)
RCS → R3h (hydraulic) or R3e (electric)
R4C → R4h (hydraulic) or R4e (electric)
For example, RCE 90-10 hydraulic becomes R3h 90-10.
The RAE is permanently removed from our catalog.
Venez vous inscrire !
Les Avantages :
- Un chèque de 1000€ pour le vainqueur de la compétition roulage
- Chaque candidature sera enregistrée sur le site web et validée par le sponsor du métier.
- Un dédommagement de 80€ ou 180€ sera fourni à chaque candidat selon sa provenance pour son trajet et/ou hébergement.
- Des plateaux repas seront prévus pour chaque candidat lors de sa journée de passage.
- Des tenues officielles seront créés spécialement pour chacun.
- Les participants recevront un badge d’accès gratuit et privilégié au salon GLOBAL INDUSTRIE.